However, there was this style of eating where people won't find you awkward eating alone anymore, the teppanyaki style! Teppanyaki is a style of Japanese cuisine that uses an iron griddle to cook the food. There was this Teppanyaki shop in Mid Valley where I'd always frequented whenever I was alone.
The part where I like about Teppanyaki style was that you were seated around the station. Now, no people will realized that I was actually eating alone!=P
Next, just place your order and the chef at your station will prepare your order. In my case, I'd always ordered the Chicken Teppanyaki set. There are choices of prawn (RM 18.90++), salmon (RM 16.90++), cuttlefish(RM 12.90++) and beef (RM 10.90++) for your set.
After the meat is cooked, the chef will scoop those meat to your platter. He will then prepare to fry the bean sprout, carrot and spring onion together!
Curious on how fast the bean sprout were consumed? Here's the comparison of before and after my meal.
Chicken Teppanyaki Set (RM 9.90++)
The meat were tender and decently flavoured with pepper, salt and soy sauce. The same went for the bean sprout and both recorded a strong aromatic of charred smell. If you are a fan of garlic, the fried garlic will definitely add on the extra flavour to your set!
The meat were tender and decently flavoured with pepper, salt and soy sauce. The same went for the bean sprout and both recorded a strong aromatic of charred smell. If you are a fan of garlic, the fried garlic will definitely add on the extra flavour to your set!
A budget Teppanyaki set
The taste might not be spectacular, but at it's price, you could not really have asked for more. What's more, their serving were rather generous especially the bean sprouts.
The taste might not be spectacular, but at it's price, you could not really have asked for more. What's more, their serving were rather generous especially the bean sprouts.
My bill came to a total of RM 12.20 after tax which included a glass of refillable green tea. For the money I paid for, it did very much satisfied my taste bud and hungry stomach.
Atmosphere: 5.5/10
Food: 6/10
Price: 6/10
Verdict: A Japanese teppanyaki set that will not leave a hole on your pocket!
Teppanyaki Mid Valley
LG 0-71, Lower Ground Floor
Mid Valley Megamall , Mid Valley City
Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200
Kuala Lumpur
Atmosphere: 5.5/10
Food: 6/10
Price: 6/10
Verdict: A Japanese teppanyaki set that will not leave a hole on your pocket!
Teppanyaki Mid Valley
LG 0-71, Lower Ground Floor
Mid Valley Megamall , Mid Valley City
Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200
Kuala Lumpur
Haha you made eating alone sounds so funny!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, RM9.90 for that portion is cheap.
lols, where got funny, lonely got...haha
ReplyDeleteya, for the price I paid, it's really worth the money..=)
i want try it..